Personal Addition #19

Tonight I had finally gotten the chance to Apply to the University of Winnipeg. It was a tough decision between U of W or U of M, but yesterday I got a chance to visit the U of W, and see an Education Advisor and I asked some questions and got some answers and had made up my mind. I am now hoping that I get into the U of W.

Personal Addition #1

I love dogs. I have been wanting to have one for most of my life. I fell in love with a certain breed and it is called the ” Shih Tzu”. So cute. I used to go to polo park with my mom, and we would always stop by Petland because I knew that I would be able to hold a puppy there. But when I found out that they had closed it down, I was quite upset. So ever since Petland had closed down in polo park I haven’t been able to hold a puppy in arms, and I would really love to. In fact I have recently just found out that there are two Petland stores here in Winnipeg. So I think I might be visiting one soon. It is driving me crazy that I have not been able to pet a dog or even hold one in years.

Personal Addition #13

I would really like to make a garden of my own, even I too, don’t have much of an interest, but you always see other peoples gardens out front when you walk by the houses in your neighborhood and you think to yourself ” wow this is beautiful” . The smell of flowers is amazing, the look of flowers is beautiful, and you always have an option to grow your own fruits and vegetables, which is amazing. You get to eat what you grow in your very own garden. My grandmother once planted sugar snap peas for me, and let me tell you they were delicious! It was fun growing them. My family has also grown tomatoes and corn. Lol the corn didn’t last much and it didn’t grow much either, but it was alright. It was fun.

Personal Addition #9

This post reminded me of how much I love being awake at night. I’m what you would say a “night owl”. I love staying up at night and listening to music, or even on the weekends hanging out with some friends. I feel more alive at night than during the day, honestly I would be sleeping all day if I could and be awake at night.

darien james

One of the best things about this world is the night. My favourite time of day is when it’s dark out, but the heat hasn’t left the city streets yet. I prefer being in the city at night than the country. I love the lights of the skyscrapers and that the majority of people are at home, sleeping. I feel like a part of privileged people that only have this luxury for a short while before they join the ranks that don’t go out after dark, so I feel more alive, more grateful. It makes me feel like more things are possible, and that I can do more. It also feels like a blanket, as it’s harder for people to see you, it feels safer. So at the same time the night feels safe and wild and I love those two opposites. Together it makes me feel like I’m on…

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Personal Addition #13 – USA

I reblogged this because it made me think of how I would love to take a trip with some of my closest friends. It sounds like such a good idea.

Maddie Moore

Last weekend, at the beginning of spring break, I went to Fargo and Grand Forks in the U.S. with some of my best friends. We went for a shopping trip and girls weekend and I can honestly say it was one of the best trips I’ve had. Even though we didn’t travel far or anywhere extravagant, we had fun with each other and made the most of every second. We left on Friday afternoon and came home on Sunday night and we didn’t stop laughing the whole time. Our abs were sore by the time we got home. We made some great memories in that time and grew even closer than we already were. When people saw us together after, they asked “aren’t you sick of each other?” or “how do 5 girls put up with each other for so long?” and honestly, we can’t answer the question any better…

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Personal addition #15

I choose to reblog this because it got me thinking about how I would one day soon like to get a job. I think its a good idea to get a job before you go into your full time or part time career path later in life because it teaches you about work experience, plus you get a little bit of money on the side. I also reblogged this because I think its awesome to be able to work with your sibling in the same place and to be able to get along so well.

shanda hunter - creative writing

Lol I thought this was a presto addition because it’s a picture of me and my sister Delaney, we worked together at Quiznos sub and she was the one who got me my first job there and I am still there, it’s been a year and a half, it was always so much fun working together, we thought we would fight but we got along so well and worked together perfectly. She doesn’t work with me anymore but I will never forget the fun times we’ve had at work!

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Personal Addition #18


Not such a good quality photo, but The Big Band Dance this year was such a fun time. It was great and amazing! I especially loved the part where everyone was dancing and singing to Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars. The bands did phenomenal jobs. Can’t wait to go next year.